You endured my scrunchy madness this week, so I owe you one!
Heather here blogging for the vacationing Mary Reilly still. Thanks for hanging with me on the air and on the blog while Mary's off! I found this great little nugget and had to share it here.
A) I gotta redeem myself for the scrunchy craziness (see a couple posts down) and,
B) Mary will just about flip over through the air about 15 times when she sees this video!
I'm pretty sure I'm Mary's favorite, but just in case I'm not, posting this video on her blog will surely catapult me there. It's Patti Smith appearing on Kids Are People Too and singing -- I KID YOU NOT -- You Light Up My Life. There are no words...except that this is sooo cool!
Hi Mary and Heather. That was unusual and unexpected to say the least. Was she performing community service? Just kidding. BTW, who is the evil genius who decided not to limit the player lives on Donkey Kong? You know it's almost impossible to stop if you're losing but still have lives left. That was cruel and unusal punishment.
Unexpected, definitely! And on a kids show, no less! Had to share that one. Are you still playing Donkey Kong right now? Right this moment? You have to stop. There's no 12-step for Donkey Kong. Maybe try a new game? Move on to Playstation or the Wii...I can't figure out how to work those new fangled things. I'm a Space Invaders kinda gal.
-- Heather
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